What is Random Access Memory (RAM)

Random Access Memory (RAM) stores programs and data that is used by the CPU in real-time. The data can be read, written, and erased any number of times. RAM is a volatile memory, a hardware element where data in current use is stored. What does volatile memory mean? It means that when instructions from a hard disk are stored in the RAM when the computer is switched on. These instructions involve the operating system (OS) and other programs that are needed to run the computer. The CPU uses these instructions to perform the tasks that are required to run the computer. This is nothing but temporary data that is stored in the RAM till the time the computer is on. The moment the computer is shut down, RAM loses all data. Data is transferred to RAM because it is easy and fast to read the data from RAM than reading it from the hard drive. Read: The biggest Myths about RAM. There are two types of RAM: Read: Find out Computer RAM, Graphics Card/Video memory of your PC.

What is Read-Only Memory (ROM)

ROM is a memory that stores pre-recorded data. Data stored in the ROM is preserved even after the computer is turned off. It is a non-volatile memory, storing data permanently even when the power is turned off. The programs and data stored in ROM can be read but cannot be written on. It means that the manufacturer fills the ROM with the programs but, it cannot be reprogrammed, rewritten, or erased after it is manufactured. Although, in some types of ROM, you can modify the stored data. Some examples of ROM are cartridges in video game consoles, data that is stored permanently on personal computers, smartphones, tablets, TV, AC, etc. There are four types of ROM: Read: What is the difference between RAM memory and Hard Drive?

Difference between RAM and ROM

Here is a quick reference table of the differences between RAM and ROM. If you have any more questions regarding RAM or ROM, drop in your comment in the section below. Read next: What are the Types of Memory in a computer?