For example, when a lot of physical memory is installed, a page file might not be required to back the system commit charge during peak usage. The available physical memory alone might be large enough to do this. However, a page file or a dedicated dump file might still be required to back a system crash dump.

Best Page File size for 64-bit versions of Windows 11/10

That brings up the question of how much pagefile.sys size should be allocated? For regular users, it is best to leave the Page File size to its default value, by letting the Windows OS decide. Most of the Windows PCs have started moving towards SSDs and NVMe, and they are costly. So let’s take a look at the factors which can help you determine the appropriate size: Page File management is set to Automatic by Windows. It is located at C:\pagefile.sys and is a hidden file. If you want to configure it manually, then you can use this calculation. Also, to get this done, you should have a clear understanding of Pagefile and how it works with admin account privilege.

1] Crash dump setting

Below is the calculation Microsoft recommends to use the following calculations:

  • 1 MB of header data and device drivers can total 256 MB of secondary crash dump data. Windows keeps all dump files at %SystemRoot%\Minidump and manages them automatically. If you want to enable the dedicated, DedicatedDumpFile then you need to change a Registry entry.

Open the Registry Editor and browse to the following key:

Right-click on the CrashControl and create a new String Value and name it DedicatedDumpFileDouble click on it, and set the value to  :<Dedicateddumpfile.sys>. Where Drive is the partition like “D, E” and so on.Next, create a DWORD DumpFileSize and set the value which defines the size in megabytes (MB).

You can also set size and other factors. You can read more about it on the official page.

2] Peak system commit charge

Commit charge describes the total amount of virtual memory guaranteed for all processes to fit in physical memory and the page file. When you say Peak, it is the highest amount that the total commit charge has reached since the operating system was last started.

3] Quantity of infrequently accessed pages+

Follow this method to find out the quantity of infrequently accessed pages+ for minimum and maximum page file size. Speaking of Page File, you might want to check out some of these links: I hope you were able to determine the appropriate page file size for 64-bit versions of Windows 11/10.