What is a Mini PC?

As the name suggests, a Mini PC is nothing but the shrunk version of your normal Desktop PC. It usually doesn’t come with a keyboard or a screen but will have most of the required ports for your peripherals. Now, you may ask, why aren’t all PCs small? It is more ergonomic and aesthetical. Well! The reason is more obvious than you think. A smaller PC means a smaller component, smaller components mean inferior hardware and processor. Long story short, you won’t be able to do everything that you can do on a normal decently-powerful Desktop PC. Read: Top 10 Windows Mini PCs to buy 

Where should Mini PCs be used?

Mini PCs can be used as a replacement for your desktop CPUs. They are nothing but a smaller version of the Desktop CPUs with their own advantages and limitations (mentioned later). So, you can use them in your office, home, or elsewhere. Just check the specification before getting one, and you should be good to go. If you just use a few MS Office products then these devices are perfect for you. They are relatively inexpensive and smaller. Also, if you want something to give your child and don’t want them to carry it around, Mini PC should be the way to go.

Should I get a Mini PC?

Before buying yourself a Mini PC, you need to look at your needs and performance requirement. If your work case is similar to the ones we discussed earlier, then, by all means, go for a Mini computer. However, it is good to note the merits and demerits of these kinds of PCs.

Go for Mini PC because of the following reasons

Because of the small form factors, these devices are more portable than your average computers.The Mini PC looks sleeker and more aesthetical than a desktop CPU.It has more power than a laptop.If you are trying to open an office in a confined place, then instead of going for a bulky you can try going for the Mini ones as it will save you a lot of space.Since they are not as common, you will be a bit of an exclusive look.Consume a lot less power than a desktop.

Why you shouldn’t go for Mini PC?

More often than not, Mini PCs don’t have a fan and if you run even decently powerful stuff on it, your system will start experiencing thermal throttling.Not as powerful as a regular PC.It is a CPU and needs a Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, and other components. So, it can never be as portable as a laptop.

So, if you are happy with the pros and don’t mind the cons, then go for the Mini PC.

What is better Mini PC or PC?

In terms of sheer performance then there is no competition; a Desktop PC will always be more powerful than a Mini PC. But you can’t be “Better” due to just one factor. They are various other parameters we need to compare these devices on. First of all, Mini PC is smaller, which has its own aesthetical and spatial advantage. However, if you want the power to play games or edit videos, go for the Desktop PC, as the Mini ones won’t be able to handle your requirements.

Is Mini PC worth it?

Even though Mini PC is not an engineering marvel, it’s still impressive to pack all the components in a smaller form factor. That being said, they are not as powerful as their big brother. But, as technology evolves, there is a chance that these devices will be able to compete with the Desktop PC and sometimes even surpass them. However, there are still some good Mini PCs that can suit your workflow. So, yes, they are worth it, but you need to know what you are doing. If you are certain that you won’t need extra power, then buy a Mini PC instead of a regular one. Read Next: How to make your old PC perform like new again.

What is a Mini PC  Should you get one  - 37What is a Mini PC  Should you get one  - 15